Carl, owner of Carl Guild & Associates (a top notch real estate agency), commissioned a conference table, and here it is!
I’m very grateful for every client that I get to work with, but extra grateful when a client allows me so much creative freedom.
Carl and I geeked out way too much over the table once it was in place... taking photos like paparazzi, and performing short skits like we were on SNL. Y’all would definitely question our sanity in those few moments! He even did the George Costanza pose on it, but I won’t show that one. 😬 also, that might have been me… but maybe Carl. Does it even matter?
I’m hoping to see this featured somewhere in an episode of “Coffee with Carl”. Be sure to keep Carl Guild & Associates in mind when buying or selling your home. Carl is great and I know he keeps great company, as I’m familiar with some of his agents.
Did you know that Carl Guild & Associates has a scholarship program for students in East Hampton and surrounding towns? How cool is that?!?!
Thanks again, Carl, for the opportunity to work on this!
I also need to shout out the super nice folks at Heartwood Cabinetry, LLC for the CNC engraving for the logo. Hit them up for built-in cabinetry! Thanks Christine and Martin!
Carl made this video of the table: